Performance We have consistently paid dividends to PPS members and contributed to their PPS Profit-Share Accounts. Members who hold a qualifying PPS life product and belong to Profmed earn additional Profit-Share, which is reflected in their PPS Profit-Share Accounts. They also earn further profit allocations through the PPS ProfitShare Cross-Holdings Booster. During the reporting period, one of our most significant challenges was retaining existing medical scheme members. This was mainly due to members coming under financial pressure and having to drop medical aid cover altogether, emigration and the flooding of the market with unregulated health insurance products, which consumers often confuse for medical aid schemes. About PPSHA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PPS Insurance Company. We offer medical aid administration and managedhealthcare services to one open and several restricted medical schemes as well as tailored solutions that enhance the medical scheme offering. The medical schemes in our portfolio are: • Profmed, a closed scheme for graduate professionals. We provide core administration and managed-healthcare services for Profmed. • KeyHealth, an open scheme servicing local government employees and a growing number of private members. We provide core administration and managed-healthcare services for KeyHealth. • Regular Force Medical Continuation Fund, a prefunded medical scheme funding healthcare treatment for retired members of the South African National Defence Force. We provide core administration and managed-healthcare services for this scheme. PPS HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATORS (PPSHA) • De Beers Benefit Society, a closed medical scheme specifically for the employees of De Beers. We provide managed-healthcare services for this scheme. • SEDMED, a closed medical scheme specifically for the employees of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. We provide managed-healthcare services for this scheme. As each of these schemes caters to different member needs, we provide customised solutions to meet those needs rather than a one-size-fits-all packaged service. We differentiate ourselves from our competitors through a consistently high level of service quality. Customised solutions for schemes based on member needs PPS Gap for Profmed members to cover shortfalls PPS Wallet for Profmed members to control savings 41 PPS Group performance at a glance